Here comes February, with the inevitable Valentine’s Day looming over all of us. Don’t have somebody to share a heart-shaped box of chocolates with? Well, take some tips from the male frigate bird. This guy is not afraid to show his big, inflated feelings on the outside.

1. It’s hard to put yourself out there to find that special someone. It can be quite stressful!

Underdone Comics: Frig n' Bee
Keep your eye on the prize


2. Sometimes all you can do is puff up your chest and look your best. Luckily there are methods you can use for help.

Underdone Inflatable Men's Club
The hooded seal and the frigate bird are taking a class called “Inflate to Win Your Mate” taught by Master Frog, whose own inflating chin is legendary throughout wetlands around the world.

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3. Don’t try to discourage your friends.

Underdone Comics: Man o'war and Frigate Bird
Careful! Your friends may try to psyche you out!


4. Make sure you’re not fooling yourself into becoming someone that you’re not.

Underdone Comics: Robin Frigate Wannabe
It’s important to be yourself


5. In the end, your success is worth celebrating.

Underdone Comics: Best Chest Bump Ever
After the frigate bird and frog were both successful in winning a mate, they did the best chest bump ever.

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