Most Recent: September 28, 2016
David Lazar is a Guggenheim Fellow in Nonfiction for 2015-16. His books include Who's Afraid of Helen of Troy, After Montaigne, Occasional Desire: Essays, The Body of Brooklyn, Truth in Nonfiction, Essaying the Essay, Powder Town, Michael Powell: Interviews, and Conversations with M.F.K. Fisher. Forthcoming from BlazeVOX is Rock, Paper, Scissors, God. Six of his essays have been “Notable Essays of the Year” according to Best American Essays. Lazar created the PhD program in nonfiction writing at Ohio University and directed the creation of the undergraduate and M.F.A. programs in Nonfiction Writing at Columbia College Chicago where he is Professor of Creative Writing. He is founding editor of the literary magazine Hotel Amerika, and series editor, with Patrick Madden, of 21st Century Essays, at Ohio State University Press.