Most Recent: January 25, 2023
Mish (Eileen) Murphy, Cultural Daily's Assistant Poetry Editor, is a poet, book reviewer, educator, digital artist, and book designer. She teaches English and Literature at Polk State College, Florida. She just published her third book of poetry (fourth book overall), the collection Sex & Ketchup (Concrete Mist Press Feb. 2021-available on Amazon). Fortune Written on Wet Grass (Wapshott Press April 2020-available on Amazon) was her first full length collection. Her second book Evil Me was published August 2020 (Blood Pudding Press-available from Etsy). She’s had well over than 100 individual poems published in the U.S, Canada, and U.K., in journals such as Rogue Agent, Tinderbox, Writing in a Woman's Voice, Silver Birch Press, Thirteen Myna Birds, and many others. She is a prolific book reviewer, with reviews published in Cultural Weekly, the Los Angeles Review of Books (Blog), Raintaxi, and more. Mish's award-winning art has been widely published in journals, magazines, and e-zines such as Peacock Journal, Thirteen Myna Birds, and The Thought Erotic. She also illustrated the children's book Phoebe and Ito are dogs by John Yamrus (2019), creating 60+ pages of artwork to accompany the story (Epic Rites Press-available at Mish's work has been shown numerous times in shows and competitions in New Mexico, Florida, and on-line.