Selected by Alexis Rhone Fancher, Poetry Editor
Most Recent: April 9, 2023
Florence Weinberger is the author of four published collections of poetry, The Invisible Telling Its Shape (Fithian Press,1997) and Breathing Like a Jew (Chicory Blue Press, 1997), and Carnal Fragrance, (Red Hen Press, 2004), and Sacred Graffiti, (Tebot Bach, 2010.) Four times nominated for a Pushcart Prize, her poetry has appeared in a number of literary magazines, including The Comstock Review, Nimrod, Poetry East, The Literary Review, Solo, Rattle, Pacific Review, Askew, Calyx, Jacaranda Review, Manhattan Poetry Review, The River Styx, Another Chicago Magazine, The Pedestal and The Los Angeles Review. Poems have also been published in many anthologies, including Blood to Remember: American Poets on the Holocaust, Truth and Lies That Press For Life, Invocation LA , The New Los Angeles Poets, Ghosts of the Holocaust, Grand Passion, The Cancer Poetry Project, So Luminous the Wildflowers, and most recently, The Widows’ Handbook. She served as a judge for the Pen/USA Literary Awards.