Most Recent: January 15, 2020
Kelly Grace Thomas is the winner of the 2017 Neil Postman Award for Metaphor from Rattle, a 2018 finalist for the Rita Dove Poetry Award, a two-time Pushcart Prize nominee and a Best of the Net nominee. Boat Burned, her first full-length collection, is forthcoming from YesYes Books in December 2019. Kelly’s poems have appeared or are forthcoming in: Bets New Poets 2019, Los Angeles Review, Redivider, Nashville Review, Muzzle, DIAGRAM, Glass, and more. Kelly is the Education and Pedagogy Advisor for Get Lit-Words Ignite, a youth poetry nonprofit. She is the co-author of Words Ignite: Explore, Write and Perform, Classic and Spoken Word Poetry (Literary Riot). Kelly is also a screenwriter and novelist. She lives in the Bay Area with her husband, Omid.