Most Recent: October 22, 2013
Margaret Randall (New York, 1936) grew up on the New Mexico desert before living in New York City, Spain, Mexico, Cuba and Nicaragua. In Mexico she co-founded and co-edited (with Sergio Mondragón) the bilingual literary quarterly EL CORNO EMPLUMADO / THE PLUMED HORN (1962-69). When she came home in 1984, the US Immigration and Naturalization Service ordered her deported under the 1952 McCarran-Walter Act, alleging that opinions expressed in some of her books “go against the good order and happiness of the United States.” Many writers and others supported her right to remain in the country of her birth, and she won reinstatement of citizenship in 1989. Among Randall’s recent poetry titles are: STONES WITNESS (University of Arizona Press), RUINS (University of New Mexico Press), SOMETHING’S WRONG WITH THE CORNFIELDS (Skylight Press), and THEIR BACKS TO THE SEA, MY TOWN, AS IF THE EMPTY CHAIR / COMO SI LA SILLA VACIA, and THE RHIZOME AS A FIELD OF BROKEN BONES (all from Wings Press, San Antonio, Texas). Randall lives with her partner of 27 years, the artist Barbara Byers, and travels widely to read and lecture.