Most Recent: April 6, 2016
Mary Carroll-Hackett earned BA and MA from East Carolina University, and an MFA from Bennington College, Her work has appeared in numerous journals including Carolina Quarterly, Superstition Review, Drunken Boat and The Prose-Poem Project. She is the author of four books, The Real Politics of Lipstick (Slipstream 2010), Animal Soul (Kattywompus Press, 2013), If We Could Know Our Bones (A-Minor Press, 2014) and The Night I Heard Everything(FutureCycle Press, 2015), as well as a chapbook, Trailer Park Oracle (Kelsey Books Nov 2015). Another full-length collection, entitled A Little Blood, A Little Rain, is forthcoming from FutureCycle Press in 2016. She teaches at Longwood University and with the low-residency MFA faculty at West Virginia Wesleyan College. Mary is at work on a memoir.