Most Recent: April 21, 2021
Terry Wolverton is author of eleven books of fiction, poetry and creative nonfiction, including Embers, a novel in poems, and Insurgent Muse: Life and Art at the Woman’s Building. In addition, she has edited fifteen successful compilations, including (with Robert Drake) the Lambda Literary Award-winning His: brilliant new fiction by gay men and Hers: brilliant new fiction by lesbians, volumes 1, 2, and 3. She has also collaborated with composer David Ornette Cherry to adapt Embers as a jazz opera. Terry has received the Judy Grahn Award for nonfiction from the Publishing Triangle, a fellowship in poetry from the California Arts Council, and a COLA Fellowship from the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs, among other acknowledgments. Terry has taught creative writing in community settings for over three decades; in 1997, she founded Writers at Work, a creative writing studio in Los Angeles, where she teaches fiction, creative nonfiction and poetry. She is also an Associate Faculty Mentor for the MFA Writing Program at Antioch University Los Angeles. Additionally, she is also a certified instructor of Kundalini Yoga. From 1976-1989, she was an active participant at the Woman’s Building, a public center for women’s culture, creating art projects, teaching, serving on the Board of Directors, and as the organization’s Development Director and Executive Director. Since 1982, she has also provided management consulting services to nonprofit organizations, sole proprietor businesses and individual artists.