This Is How I Have Imagined You
My love, that you would have long flowing hair
with which I can climb out of this crude soaked hole
and see daylight like never before.
That you would have small but narrow nose
and when the flairs suck up my large nostrils,
I would build a hope in yours.
I have imagined you, good one, to sparkle
and the pristine skin would bear my future
and when sook soaks me up
and visions are blurry and I cannot find home,
on your skin, like a crystal ball, I’d not be lost.
I have imagined you, babe, to be tall,
not for my dislike for things close to earth
but for a rescuer whose voice may get to the heavens quickly.
My kits and I have called on God,
and his silence has been most audible.
Maybe with you He shall listen and kill Shell.