Bye Bye 2020 … a mute testimony

The end of an era?

The feature image shows a sunset lit sky marking the end of a day.

I could not find a better metaphor for this moment of civilizational crisis that has marked the year 2020.


The following images…

…were taken throughout that year as “photographic day’s catches” courtesy of nature’s gift of light, life and moments of awakening.

I will provide a caption for each one with no further comment, except for the hope that the reader may find in them a source of awakening of his/her own.

Hollowed tree stump


Winter streetscape


Two lights


Memorial to a feline friend


300mm focal and underexposed


Watering hole


At the suet feeder


Homage to Cézanne


And there will still be light



All images to Maurice Amiel

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