Most creatives are used to some degree of isolation… Painters, sculptors, composers, musicians, writers often work and/or practice alone. And most artists of all stripes are used to some degree of isolation and marginalization.

But… this is unprecedented.

And the dancers are getting restless. Major venues, festivals, and dance companies have cancelled their seasons. Gone are the gigs, the classes, and a sense of physical community. At the very least dancers are used to taking class on a daily basis. Thanks to ZOOM they are doing so at home, and learning to find virtual connection. In fact creative companies, choreographers, and dancers are coming up with all kinds of imaginative solutions for the situation we find ourselves in worldwide. True creatives haven’t stopped being creative… if anything they are getting more so in the face of isolation from the Corona Virus.

D2D's Associate Producer Zoe Rappaport gets creative at home
D2D’s Associate Producer Zoe Rappaport gets creative at home

So Dare To Dance in Public Film Festival challenges you to submit to… Six Foot Distance Dances.

How do we dance in isolation…  and how do we connect?

How do we create relevance dancing in the privacy of our own homes?

What do we feel while being physically limited by an invisible enemy?

In the face of COVID-19, we refuse to be stopped… if anything, perhaps our creativity should be amplified.

So we challenge ourselves and we challenge you…

Conceptualize, choreograph, direct, art direct, & in all ways engage in the creation of a 1-minute or less site-specific dance film inside the privacy of your home.

Respond directly to a site your home. Explore shooting coverage & employing multiple camera angles…. Experiment!

Use quick cuts, speed ramps… circle the dance, invite the camera inside of the dance and get insidethe feeling of the dance…

Avoid using only frontal coverage.  Feel free to express exactly how you feel about what you’re going through — what we’re all going through.

At the end of each week or so, we will select several one minute or less movies to post to our IG/FB, and eventually (not sure when this will end) we will be selecting 6 winners to receive cash awards and coverage in Cultural Weekly!


1) Post your film on Instagram & Facebook

2) Tag @dare2danceinpublic, Founder/Director @arrogantelbow & Associate Producer @zoe.rappaport

3) Send in $6 via PayPal to

4) Make sure to include the social handles of you and/or anyone else involved (be it remotely or in person).

5) If you are not on social media, please e-mail your film to:

Be creative, be moving, be wild… be whoever or however you want to be.

Be prepared to make it PUBLIC… We dare you too!

And for inspiration, please see our newest submission from the AMAZING Sam McReynolds @sammypmc.






What are you looking for?