Digital Signage Meets Contemporary Art

For those with even a passing interest in the state of modern technology, it is clear to see that digital signage has evolved and transformed from simple things like advertising displays to much more sophisticated features that can be used in contemporary art installations. This is a really dynamic and engaging intersection between two mediums, and it has come to redefine public and private spaces alike. 

The fun and intrigue in the kind of digital signage that can be offered by Kitcast stems from the convergence that technology and art can produce, and how it can open up plenty of new avenues for interaction, expression and creativity.  

Evolution Of Digital Signage 

Digital signage trends all predominantly began as electronic displays used for things like advertising and simple information dissemination, but over time, various technological advancements have meant that displays became more and more interactive and more and more visually compelling. Innovations involving high definition, augmented reality, virtual reality and touchscreen interfaces all have the ability to turn once static messages into vividly immersive experiences. 

Contemporary Art Mixing With Technology 

The world of modern and contemporary art is one that has always been at the forefront of pushing boundaries within traditional media, and the new range of digital tech definitely offers a new palette of tools for artists to work with. The inclusion of digital installations within larger pieces allows for artists to manipulate space, time and viewer perception in ways that more traditional, static forms of art simply cannot. The combination of physical and digital allows artists to create installations that are not just visually striking, but also responsive and interactive in their own environments. 

Real World Examples

Though the combined medium is still evolving and growing, there are already a number of high-profile examples of digital signage enhancing contemporary art installations. Let’s take a look at some of the most successful and prominent experiences that have already been created. 

  • Times Square, New York City 

Arguably the most well-known, iconic example of digital signage transforming into art are the number of electronic billboards that have permanent residence in Manhattan’s Times Square. The billboards act as a constantly shifting canvas that is just as much about art as it is advertising. For example, there is a monthly ‘Midnight Moment’ project in which the screens sync up to showcase digital artwork by various artists, for three minutes before midnight.  

  • teamLab Borderless, Tokyo 

teamLab is an art collection based out of Japan that has gained global acclaim for a number of different digital installations. Their museum in Tokyo, teamLab Borderless, is home to a series of immersive projects that use digital signage to blur the lines between the art and the visitors themselves. With high-res projectors, interactive screens and motion sensors, the group have managed to create spaces in which the digital art actually responds to the movement of the visitors, which makes each and every experience a completely unique one. 

  • The Four Seasons, London 

Though the Four Seasons Hotel in London might historically be associated with a classic, traditional kind of hospitality experience, it does have something a little more contemporary to offer as well. Renowned digital artist Refik Anadol has created an installation titled ‘Infinity Room’, which is a piece that utilizes LED screens and data driven visuals in order to create an environment that feels like it is infinite and ever changing. This is a great example of a piece of immersive art being able to enhance and improve the aesthetic tone of a more traditionally static environment. 

The Impact Of Digital Art Installations  

Some of the more significant ways in which digital signage in contemporary art can impact both the art world and wider public perception include:  

  • Engagement And Accessibility 

The kind of digital art installation we are talking about are generally placed in public spaces, so in a very literal sense this is making art accessible to a broader audience. It takes art out of the usual museum or gallery settings and puts it where the most varied groups tend to be. 

  • Adaptable And Dynamic 

One of the biggest advantages of digital signage art is that it can so easily and instantly be adapted and updated. This allows for real time changes and responsiveness, which makes the working canvas much more flexible for the majority of artists. 

  • Enhanced Storytelling 

The simple fact of being able to incorporate a mixture of sound, motion and interactivity into a medium that otherwise would only be two dimensionally visual allows for far more layered and complex storytelling. This is a benefit that very few artists are ever going to turn down.


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