UPDATE: We have changed the location for the entire duration of DTLAB. It’s now at happening at Les Noces Du Figaro – 618 S. Broadway Ave., LA CA 90014

We are one day away from opening.

We’ll be spending the last few hours before grand opening sweeping, stacking, crying, hyperventilating, drinking, and just good old fashioned stressing out.

God damn this is crazy. And exhilarating.

Anyway, it is done. It is here. Let’s get going with #90for90!


We have given the Writ Large Press website a long overdue makeover. Not quite done yet, but it’s live.

When you go there, you will find the DTLAB @ Kitchen Table calendar. It’s full through the end of July. August and September event will soon be posted.


Isn’t it beautiful? Don’t you just want to lick this calendar??

Lick away! Also – HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

As you can see, each event is an individual page, counting down from 90 until we eventually hit 1, which is a top secret event that will blow your mind. Click on any of them and a full page with photos and descriptions pops up.

Because we’re trying to promote the entirety of the 90-day project, and because there’s only 24 hours between events, we are having a hard time promoting individual nights.

So, my friends, my beloved, you can help us by browsing through the various nights, finding the events that most intrigue you (although you’ll love all of them), and spreading the word about those nights! Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Myspace, Friendster, AOL chatrooms, at the bar, to your church friends, lover(s), on the train, on the radio…

Our handles are:

Twitter: @writlarge
Instagram: @writlargepress
Tumblr: @writlarge

And the hashtags we are using:


Anywhere and everywhere you can help us make people aware of the great events at DTLAB!

Thank you. I know you won’t fail us. You never have.

What are you looking for?