Autumn in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, is a great mortality check for active outdoor people. We lose the light quicker than the States (except Alaska) and celebrate Thanksgiving a month before America does. Out west we lose a lot of leaves in some drier areas and in other areas the green hangs in for the first snowfall. Although snow may come early in September, it doesn’t stay long and doesn’t wear out its welcome. Lots of sun sort of makes up for the chillier days. Autumn is a good time to take stock of the year. Very little rain adds to Calgary’s buoyant mood. No sleet or snow that looms like an unwelcome guest. A good place to take in the final tune of the season, before winter sets its own tempo. — Jude Dillon

“‘Head’s up’ …it’s getting darker”
“An unexpected exit strategy”
“September song”
“October light”

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