I am especially thrilled to share this month’s interview with you. I remember Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s bruising Congressional confirmation hearing and the unfair way she was treated. I will never forget her poise in the face of those overt sexist attacks. I was yelling at the TV screen on her behalf, but she modeled another way of responding; she took every insult and provocation as an opportunity to set the record straight in a thoughtful way. They couldn’t rattle her. I’d never seen anything like it. Her reasonable, modest approach undermined their accusations that she was some kind of extremist feminist who would destroy the morals of the nation. She was a teacher for me in those moments and I’ll always be grateful to her. I’ve called on her spirit of articulate equanimity many times since then.

When my dear friend Felicity Huffman said she wanted to tell us the story of Justice Ginsburg, I was in favor of celebrating this amazing woman though she is more well-known than most of our subjects. Felicity uncovered anecdotes from Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s early life that will surprise you, and you’ll see how personal it is to Felicity when she opens up about what she wants her daughters to know about the Notorious RBG.

Watch the video– you’ll be glad you did– then comment freely and share it widely.

This launches our annual fundraising campaign during Women’s History month. We’ll be posting a new video each week, rather than once a month like we usually do. We’ve got some super interviews to share with you in the coming weeks. Please do help us by donating what you can and spreading the word about our stories.

Our theme, #TellHerStory, resonates with all the women’s voices being raised right now. While many of us have shared difficult #MeToo and #TimesUp stories, Look What SHE Did! covers different ground– presenting stories of astonishing female accomplishment, women who have changed the world despite the obstacles. We need your support to keep doing that. This organization has the potential to grow into a significant force for good. Thanks for giving generously. Much appreciated. Donate here lookwhatshedid.causevox.com

– Julie

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