Why an Integrated Approach to Healthcare Makes Sense for Artists

Art is not typically a path to financial abundance. It doesn’t matter what kind of art you partake in, whether that be painting, photography, music, acting, or directing; working in this field is not a guaranteed way to pay the bills. There are exceptions to this, of course—especially if you work in entertainment or corporate environments. Generally, those who choose to take on art as a career are not always choosing an easy path.

This is the trade that some make for their art. The fulfillment they attain from creating, the communities they partake in, and the messages they feel the need to convey are more valuable to them than financial stability. But stability is very important when it comes to one’s health.

It’s crucial that artists take care of themselves healthwise, because their art might not buy them solid insurance. A holistic approach to health may be a way to save money and keep them in good spirits mentally and physically. However, there is a place for modern medicine as well. Finding a balance between the two is the most reasonable approach for artists who want to care for themselves properly.

The Help of a Holistic Diet for Artists

Understand that there is nothing wrong with a holistic or natural approach to taking care of yourself. Even nurses will encourage these approaches to physical health because they can help prevent certain health conditions. In Western society, where the most convenient food is often processed with chemicals that ultimately hurt the human body, natural foods and medicines can be a way to better manage your wellness.

There are different approaches to pursuing a holistic lifestyle. For instance, souping is a form of plant-based diet that some use to prevent and manage chronic conditions. Others may find it more reasonable to create month-long menu plans, adding more variety to the ways they eat their organic meals. Artists tend to like variety, after all. In addition to eating holistically, people often value exercise and products like essential oils.

Despite the unconventional approach, well-planned organic diets are also good for saving time and money—two things artists tend to run short of. While it may seem more time consuming to go out of your way to find organic food and prepare it, leftovers are a natural part of dietary choices like this one. Prepare big portions and divide them between meals wisely. Not only will you be healthier, but you’ll be less broke.

When Natural Remedies Don’t Work

All of that said, there may come a point at which natural diets and sickness remedies will not work. So it’s unwise to rule out modern medicine completely. But how do you know when that time comes?

For starters, don’t do anything too risky, and use your head. To use an extreme but relevant example, home remedies will not cure an STD even though they build people’s immune systems up. In this case, you’ll want to see a professional. Similarly, while autoimmune diseases can often be fought with less sugar and toxins, you wouldn’t use that alone to fight late-stage cancer or pregnancy complications. It’s not that a holistic approach is pointless, but it may treat symptoms rather than the underlying issue of an illness.

It’s important to know when you should wait an illness out and when it’s simply time to see a care professional. Talk to your doctor before making any drastic changes to your diet or medication intake.

Balancing Holistic and Conventional Healthcare

While holistic approaches to medicine can be a game changer for artists, there are times when they won’t work and an artist must rely on modern medicine. How can artists balance these two approaches to healthcare?

Keeping your diet clean is never a bad idea, but if a doctor instructs you to take medication or to start incorporating things into your diet that aren’t necessarily natural, you should listen to them. You must learn to accept that, when one approach isn’t working, it may be time to incorporate the other. Of course, it’s never a bad idea to ask if there are natural or organic alternatives to the foods they’re recommending—but ultimately care professionals will know what’s best for you.

The important takeaway then is that a smart artist will integrate both a holistic and conventional approach to healthcare. They can include vitamins, holistic meals, working out, and even essential oils. But they shouldn’t rule out modern medicine in the case of emergencies, chronic pain, and more immediate health concerns. The occasional checkup doesn’t hurt either; if you’re leaving something out of your routine or diet that is hurting you but are unaware of it, a doctor will be the first to let you know. This approach is sensible and still saves you money overall.

Summing It All Up

Holistic diets, of course, will still be a cheaper and healthier alternative to the fast food and bar diets many artists find themselves consuming. But sometimes, those natural remedies just don’t work. Conventional medicine still plays an important role in healthcare. If you learn how they can compliment each other, you’ll find yourself in a much better state of mind and physical wellness.


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