Dear YOU,

When you need to find culture, creativity, inspiration for your life, where do you turn?

You know you’ll find what you’re looking for here at Cultural Weekly.

Why? Because every week, you know you’ll find a mix of poetry, dance, theatre, art, literature – and life itself. Click around at the mix today. Isn’t it amazing?

Your contributions keep it going, keep this experiment in participatory civic media heady, thrilling, surprising, challenging, inspiring, and fun. Your support has grown Cultural Weekly from the seed of an idea to a national, indeed global, platform that has shared the work of more than 650 authors and poets in more than 3,500 posts.

Your support creates a platform that shares poetry, dance, film, art, theatre, and cultural perspective from extraordinary writers and creatives.

And your support has birthed Next Echo Foundation, the non-profit that publishes Cultural Weekly.

Your support is extremely important. Without it, Cultural Weekly cannot exist. Which is why I’m asking for your contribution now, so Cultural Weekly can remain strong and grow into the future.

Your tax-deductible gift will have immediate impact. We’re looking to expand this platform to a broader, more diverse range of voices, redesign the look, and make this important, creative work more mobile-friendly, so it will reach more and more people.

Can you give $100? $50? $500? Please donate here:

Your donation brings creativity and culture into our world. Here. Now. And into the future.

Thank you so much for your help and support.

Image from Dare to Dance in Public Film Festival and Contest, one of Cultural Weekly’s most important offerings because it brings the work of new choreographers, filmmakers, and dancers to wider public attention.

What are you looking for?