Here’s our latest Look What SHE Did! video about a crazy-great woman who made a difference… but we’ve all probably never heard of her. Playwright/Professor Laural Meade tells a fun tale about the very independent-minded political activist Sara Bard Field. Give it a look, and please do pass it on. Thanks!

Laural Meade on the Intrepid Sara Bard Field

Laural Meade wrote a play about a few intrepid suffragettes who barnstormed across the country in an unreliable car, without proper maps or even paved roads, to gather half a million signatures demanding a woman’s right to vote. She came away with a great respect for all of them, but especially Sara Bard Field, orator, activist, and woman with the courage to walk the walk, in both her personal and professional life, at a time when there were serious societal penalties for living outside the norm. Get a little courage for yourself from Sara, who had the moxie to follow her own path.

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