TONY GLOEGGLER is a life long resident of NYC who’s managed a group home for developmentally disabled men for 40 years. His poems started appearing in journals in the late 1980s and they have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize ten or so times. His work has recently been published in New Ohio Review, Rosebud, B O D Y, Spillway, Chiron Review, Juked, Poet Lore, and his poem, “1969” is one of the most viewed poems in Rattle’s history. Gloeggler is the author of a half-dozen poetry collections. His chapbook One On One won the 1998 Pearl Poetry Prize. His first full-length collection, One Wish Left, published by Pavement Saw Press went into a 2nd printing in 2007. Until The Last Light Leaves, published by NYQ Books, was a finalist for the Milt Kessler Book Award in 2016. NYQ Books released his new book What Kind of Man in June of 2020. When he grows up Gloeggler wants to pitch for the Yankees and play bass with The Young Rascals.

BUNKONG TUON is a Cambodian-American writer and critic. He is the author of GruelAnd So I Was Blessed (both published by NYQ Books), The Doctor Will Fix It (Shabda Press), and Dead Tongue (a chapbook with Joanna C. Valente, Yes Poetry). He has published in both print and online magazines and journals, including Numéro Cinq, Paterson Literary Review, Chiron Review, carte-blanche, Consequence Magazine, Diode Poetry Journal, Mekong Review, Nerve Cowboy, Cultural Weekly, Massachusetts Review, and Poetry Quarterly.Nominated for numerous Pushcart and Best of the Net prizes, his poetry won the 2019 Nasiona Nonfiction Poetry Prize. He teaches at Union College, in Schenectady, NY. He tweets @BunkongTuon

ALEXIS RHONE FANCHER is published in Best American Poetry, Rattle, Poetry East, Hobart, VerseDaily, American Journal of Poetry, Duende, Plume, Diode, Pedestal Magazine, Wide Awake: Poets of Los Angeles, and elsewhere. She’s authored five published poetry collections, most recently, Junkie Wife (Moon Tide Press, 2018), and The Dead Kid Poems (KYSO Flash Press, 2019). EROTIC: New & Selected, from New York Quarterly, and another full-length collection (in Italian) by Edizioni Ensemble, Italia, will both be published in 2021. Her photographs are published worldwide, including River Styx, and the covers of Pithead Chapel, Heyday and Witness. A multiple Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominee, Alexis is poetry editor of Cultural Weekly.

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