Cultural Daily wants to congratulate Assistant Poetry Editor Mish Murphy on launching her first art website. We asked Mish to give us some idea of what’s happening with the new site.
MISH: My new website ( was launched last week, and I’ve already had a very favorable response. I do both digital art and photography, often blurring the line between the two.
When you buy one of my pieces, you’ll get multiple options such as size, materials, frames, artsy gifts, etc. There’s even a feature where you can simulate what a particular work would look like in your home, decorating your walls. Since most of my work is positive and uplifting, you may find that it inspires you with peace and joy.
I’ve always loved animals and a lot of my art features various critters:

My work often reflects my Florida roots:

I also enjoy painting abstracts:

I sell greeting cards and artsy gifts:

I almost forgot something:
There’s a 20%-off launch sale going on right now.
Check it out!
Access Mish\’s New Art Website (and feel free to make comments)