New Year’s resolutions of the cultural kind are much more fun and easier to keep.
We’ll get you started…

New Year’s Resolutions for 2014

“I’ll get a bestselling book from the library instead of buying it.”
“I’ll teach another person something I am truly passionate about.”
“I’ll support creative people by buying directly from small presses, craftspeople, and artists.”
“I will make something with my hands.”
“I will tell my friends about Cultural Weekly.”
“I will attend at least one cultural event per month.”
“I will do something creative, that I’ve never attempted before.”
“I will write a comment for at least one Cultural Weekly story per week.”
Now add yours in the Comments section below.  May your 2014 be happy, healthy, fun, rewarding and culturally elevating!
Top image: Never Stop Dreaming, photo by TJ Samuels, a winner of our Detroit photo contest

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