The Thin Line Between What Is & What Was

Find me a world apart
Being pieced back together
By the full moon, and the gentle vibrations of the waves
set ablaze by the soft heat of the winter sun.

The path we walk plays
With how I count the steps.

Songs sound different these days.

Of my past life, there is very little left.
The dreams I kept occupy a different frame.
The loves I lost go by a different name.
The names I called myself
Sound out in different tongues.

I call them out knowing
the thin line between what is and what was.

There is no going back,
Even though I remember every first kiss,
Like a man who first found fire on his lips.

Words eclipse and dismiss,
The sadness, the loneliness, the bliss.

There are things I will never know,
even when the meanings grow in me
for all to see.

I can still wish.
& I do. Cause Art is the thing I turn to.
& I love. Cause that’s how I find the truth.

so it doesn’t matter what came before
or what is to come after
as long as we have laughter,
and each other to love.

I can still wish.
& I do. Cause Art is the thing I turn to.
& I love. so there is nothing between
me and you.


(Feature image from Pexels)

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