The Poetics Problem series, Phase 2 of our PUBLISH! project, is off to a great start. Our first problem set created by Judeth Oden Choi has garnered a terrific variety of responses from as far as Nigeria. The second problem set is currently up (due date is this Friday, 11/8) and new solutions are coming in.
We are publishing everything that gets submitted to us. Everything.
So do check it out at the PUBLISH! website.
PUBLISH! is a year long project that we kicked off in June of this year during a steamy weekend in New York. It’s what we are calling our Year of Underground Publishing.
Anyway, it’s awesome. Judeth has conceived and developed a spectacular long term project that explores the changing roles of writer, publisher, and reader.
Chiwan Choi is the author of four books, The Flood, Abductions, The Yellow House, and my name is wolf. He is also a partner at Writ Large Press.