Judi Kaufman is a long-time community activist and entrepreneur; she is also an active member of the Los Angeles Chapter of the American Jewish committee. Her previous book of poetry was Passion and Shadow: The Lights of Brain Cancer. In 2000, following her first diagnosis of brain cancer, she founded Art of the Brain at UCLA Medical Center. “My Body’s History Is My Geography” may be found in her book, Do You Want Your Brain to Hurt Now or Later? Copyright © 2007, Bombshelter Press.

Judi Kaufman Had a Set Back

Whale watcher, river monster, some things I used to love
I was a custom fan grower, pit bulls and paradise
Under butterfly carpets
Alligator kids, hoodie, poodles are people
Wheaton terrier pub, barbeque
Judi Kaufman had a set back
Tyrannosaurus Rex, I wore his hat to the royal wedding
My God I’m beautiful, historical and alive
Judi Kaufman had a set back
Help me be extinct
Judi Kaufman had a set back
Modern definition, feathers, skeleton, extinction
Paleobiology, paleobiogeography, distinguished anatomical features
How to die, smile, communication, vocalization
Judi Kaufman had a set back

A Tumor Is a Tumor

(click on the image to make the poem appear larger)

We are proud to premiere ‘A Tumor Is A Tumor’ in Cultural Weekly.
Image: Judi Kaufman with her husband, Roy, celebrating her one woman show, May, 2010. (Photo by Alexis Rhone Fancher).

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