I unfold with the river
as it flows. It carries me together
with everything it carries forth.
I am the driftwood
molded by its force
the resting place
for turtles and toads.
My hands grab the river bank
and my fingers sink
into the black mud I love
the clay-like mud
that holds my fingers
and makes me feel safe.
I invite my cousins
to join me and be still
and allow the river creatures
to share our space.
We giggle
as a turtle passes by
carrying two babies
on her back.
We squirm and squeal
as baby water snakes
peek their heads out
and stick out their tongues.
Toads follow behind.
Turtles sun on rocks
and frogs on the river bank.
We are river creatures
dancing on the wings
of dragonflies and butterflies
as the seductive fragrance
of the chaparral mingles
with the cool air blowing our hair.
The pebbles
under our feet
ground our bodies
to everything that is.
The running currents
forever clear debris
clean our bodies
and brighten our skin.
I feel the workout in my arms
trying to stay afloat.
I feel the driftwood
in my hands, dead and weathered
like live fish swimming
by my side.
I am the driftwood
in the river’s current
in my life’s journey
with all of that a detour
in my path.
The sun is high.
“Time to go home!” I yell out.
“Our parents must be angry
and wondering where we are.”
Our hair is wet
and so is our underwear.
Our skin is cleaner
than before, and browner
than when we left home.
My mother will know
we were in the river—
but who cares! The spanking
will be worth the fun.
I am happy I could play
with my cousins and water friends today.
We raise our arms
and bid the river good bye
bathed in the wholeness
of the flora and fauna.
Like the river
I continue my journey
carrying my pebbles
my logs and debris.