At some point

at some point

when I
finally know love
I won’t chase it around the block
I’ll hold it like a bird that flew into the window
and just needs a moment

when I
plant myself in one place
I can stop running so hard to get there
stop thinking there’s magic I somehow missed
stop wishing I’d have stayed still
oh all those years and years ago

when I
grow up I won’t make mistakes over
and over and over and I’ll forgive
myself for being such a fool
I will find a way to forgive
even when I don’t want to

when I
find a way to heal hurts
I won’t sit in the corner and rip off the scabs
collect them in a box – get them out on rainy days
alphabetize them or
sort them by color and size

when I
count up my miracles
the ones I know I have and hold dear
the longboards of love – my children for sure
and the oar dips – moments really
when someone you love
looks at you like they’ll never forget

What are you looking for?