Daddy Do



Daddy, do you love my eyes?

They twinkle so and at nights they glow.

I got them from you, you know!

With these eyes, I can clearly see,

Your hard work, just to feed me.


Daddy, do you love my nose?

Thank you so much! They work perfectly!

But it still has much to grow,  certainly!

It smells the food that you cook so good.

From mommy you learned the best you could!


Daddy do you love my mouth?

I am able to gobble up the yummy snacks you bring.

And with my tongue, I taste all the nice sweet things.

And these pearly white teeth that you gave

Mommy ensures that I take care of them and they are saved.


Daddy , do you love my ears?

It’s exactly the same pair as yours, I swear!

They’re shaped and pointed just like the ones you wear.

With them I listened to stories and lullabies,

You read and sang so sweetly when I cried.


Daddy , here is what I want to tell you.

Do you know that fifty percent of me came from you?

And all the things you do, I want to do them too.

Loving you is like loving a part of me , it’s true.

I love you Daddy,  I will always look up to you!



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