Forever is Us
Forever is You and I
Forever is wherever we go
Forever is the distance when we do not see each other
Forever is the love we have for each other
I will always be indebted to you
And how you stayed by me
Even when we are miles away from each other
Not a day goes by where you cross my mind
You surely are one of a kind my friend
Forever I will be plagued by your infectious kindness
Forever is infinity
Our infinity
The memories we spent together
That make up our friendship
The times we laughed
And talked about life,
Will live on till the end of time
Even farther since
Forever is everlasting
Forver is happiness
From knowing the ways you Struggled
And Felt defeated
To finding something or someone that makes you happy
And feel like life is beautiful
Forever is love
Forever our passions collide
Forever the warmth of your presence
Will resonate with my heart and the hearts of the people you meet
Forever is when even if we are apart
Near or far
You will always be a star amongst others in the night sky my friend
Forever we roam the world