Glistening body of blue
Waves crashing on the shore
Tourists flock to the Caribbean
Governments make a dirty profit
What is the cost of deception? 1
It is a small matter, they say
There is still plenty of time, they say
This is not a problem at all, they say
Those haunting words
Little do they know
How far their blindness can go
Ignorance or denial
Both detrimental, brainwashing the minds of the world
The truth cannot be gainsaid
Destruction – causing so much damage to something that it
no longer exists or cannot be repaired 2
Overfishing, pollution and global warming
All human activities
With dire consequences
Unbeknownst to the world
Our thoughtless actions
A fly in the ointment
Not only for us but for
The world
Marine life is dying at a rapid speed
Marine ecosystems are collapsing
An important source of food
There will be a loss of jobs without the oceans
Livelihoods are at stake
Both yours and mine
The economy will choke
Tourism, fishing, transport sectors
Crumble to the ground
You brush it off, saying it does not affect you
Then, who does it really impact?
Oh, how little do you know
70% of our oxygen supply
Coming from aquatic plants in oceans
Slowly but surely depleting
Leaving us gasping for air
Like fish out of water
Without oceans;
Carbon dioxide levels rise
The carbon cycle will break down
Temperatures rise
Climate regulation comes to a standstill
It will only get hotter
Water supplies will grind to a halt
Chapped lips and a dry throat await us
Are these not valid causes for concern?
What more convincing do you need?
A mere 20 years they give us
Until it is too late
Our life’s work
For the loss of our ocean
Shamefully, wasted away
Leave it to the next generation, they say
There will be no more “next generation”
Unless something is done
We do not deserve this
We deserve blissful and contented lives
Hovever, Impossible without action
This madness has to end
Hope is not lost
The oceans can be saved
A dark light can be seen at the end of the tunnel
Our futures are in our hands
The futures of subsequent generations lie with us
If any at all
Will they still be here?
Will future generations be able to:
Feel them?
See them?
Enjoy them?
Time will only tell
If the oceans will remain
As a glistening body of blue