I’m not a real man

I am not a real man

I am not a real man I don’t drink beer or care about sports

I am not a real man I don’t even drink coffee just green tea all day

I don’t even or ever wear a suit or tie

I am not a real man I am poor

and was an English major

I am not a real man apparently because I love to lick pussy

and because I don’t want to get married or have children

I am not a real man I have long hair

I don’t eat meat

I don’t go to church

I am not a real man I meditate

which is to do nothing to not react to anything

which no real man would ever do

I am not a real man I’ve never worked 9 to 5 in an office I would kill myself

I am not a real man I don’t watch television or play video games

I am not a real man I hate leafblowers

I am not a real man I practice yoga instead of mixed martial arts

(though still man enough to gaze at women in those tight yoga pants

when I think they’re not looking)

but I am not a real man I would never actually talk to one of those women

I am not a real man like that at all with any women anywhere

which is why I am alone and therefore not a real man

because I am not a real man I like to be alone

and anyways I am not a real man

I fantasize about watching a real man fuck my girlfriends

I fantasize about dressing like my girlfriend and a real man fucking me

I am not a real man I even have to lie about having a girlfriend in my poems

and I am not a real man I’m not a Republican

or a Democrat even

just a pathetic green party democratic-socialist anarchist

who likes to throw elections by voting my conscience

which I guess no real man would ever do

I am not a real man I don’t own a gun

I don’t ride a motorcycle or own a BMW

my truck isn’t even four-wheel drive

though at least it’s a truck and not a Prius

I am not a real man I read books

I even read books by women authors

(though also Hemingway Bukowski and Cormac McCarthy

so maybe not a total pussy)

but how could I be a real man I read poetry

I write it even

so ok fine I’m not a real man

but I make a goddamn good guacamole

which I’m going to eat all by myself

with organic blue corn chips

on a Friday night

because I don’t have a social life

because I am not a real man

but it’s good

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