Summer’s Promise Gone


What can I say?

What can I write?

Summer’s promise lost its way

alone now, in the dark night.


Midsummer’s over, too.

I know you’re not coming back.

I see your bright smile only in review.

My head and heart can’t believe it’s fact.


The nights come faster this last month.

The days still hot.

We looked for school to be a new routine

in August, but it’s not.


We had so much to do

New goals spinning.

Horses, standing, walking, too.

Summer’s end would only be the beginning.


My boy, my boy

Smiling, laughing and love

You brought everyone joy

Now, it will only come from above.


Life slipped from my hands.

Oh, if only I could change that day,

Your dusky skin turned cool buried those plans.

On a day summer’s promise ran astray.


I don’t know. I don’t know.

What meaning this death.

It leaves me cold as snow.

Ice in my heart.


I don’t have the luxury

to sulk or rage.

Time goes on as seasons be.

I, too, must age.


My heart took some time

To warm for the next child.

I couldn’t do it on a dime.

Not like you, this one’s wild.


Yet, he reaches for my hand.

I see a secret I must unlock

What will lift the band?

I wonder as I leave my shock.


Summer, summer, how fast you slip away

Every year, you start out sweet.

This promise born then goes array.

Will I believe the next summer I greet?

What are you looking for?