
The cold seeps through my bones as I wake up in a hurry and scurry to the bathroom
Where heat shall give room
To my drowsy state
As I stand there under the shower I think about fate
I stare into the oblivion with the hope of catching a glimpse of what I call peace.
Peace a word that has been bouncing around my world
Somehow funny enough I feel like I am Dora exploring
Something I can see but for some reason I cannot feel
I cannot feel anything hence that is why
I am not dry underneath this shower
I am wet with the tears that refuse to flow through my eyes
I am wet with the everything the hate and the lies
I am wet with the burdens that causing a heavy weight on my figure
My feelings are not some broadband machine that I can configure
I sigh and feel drowsy again because I have lost myself in the tears that have rained on me profusely
Leaving me standing impatiently
I wait for a sign from the heavens above
I wait
And then I suddenly feel drowsy again coz my body is emitting the pain
The hot water which has seeped through my bones
Have managed to make me feel cold
I dress myself with my towel which has seen better days
And I step out of the shower with nothing to say
Because day after day things seem to go south
And being as I am I refuse to open my mouth
I believe words can either break or make somebody’s world
Hence that is why I remain that girl
Who writes poetry
In poetry I am free
Free of the clutches of every feeling that floats to shore
Free of everything and more
I have no sorrows
I don’t borrow
Love is not like a bow to an arrow
It is just me and the words
That brightens up my world
Ahhhh but that is not the case at this ungodly hour
I remain fixated outside the shower
Trying to gather the last ounce of strength that my body has to open the door



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