Vanishing Friend


      Hello Angel?

     Can we be friends?

     No Devil,you are deceitful,

    And you will burn until the end.

   I should have spoken those words to you

   Now regret lingers like a rustic plague.

   To me our friendship was strong,

    Like an endless rope to clung to,

    But without notice,

    You vanished like an eloping bride.

     Valuable time was wasted,

      That has left me agitated.

     My ears suffered many horrifying tales,

     Those tasteless and useless jokes,

     The river flow of messages,

      The endless calls,

      All things I’ve had to endured,

      For what?

      Just because I succumbed to the trickery of a vanishing friend.

     Yet you left me broken and confused,

      What a cowardly way to leave.

      Bye to a selfish kind of Guy,

      Bye to an amateurish kind of move,

      Bye and good riddance to a hopeless tool,

       You devil in disguise molecule.

What are you looking for?