Waiting on a Proposal

Waiting on a Proposal 

I’m so ready for fusion
A union to unite both of ourselves
To rest in nuptials of compassion
& understanding
A unity partnership between us
finally made real
The decision to live without negotiations of myself and what matters to our soul
To seek only that which serves to procreate joy and everlasting God in our journey

I’m ready to take the leap and tie the knots
to truly honor what was made in our agreement with the Heavens upon return
To seek the Answers in ernest
A lesson in Shakespeare’s theory of what can become of trashy characters once exposed to the facts of the universe and the miracles of love

I’m ready to cherish him
the sides of myself that were forbidden to get together because of their behaviors
acting out
the brokenness unacceptably close
because there’s so much pain invested in trying to heal fast

I want to marry my sweetheart
and take on a new name for the sake of victory
bleeding only the tears of justice as I wake
I want the protection of harmony in lace
to weave a home so tightly knit only we can abide there
a crocheted sweater warm enough
to bath in the idea of reconciliation with myspace’s and my futures
to make plans for us that makes magic look stale in comparison

I want you to wed this morning star and jump over the moon and back for the idea of brooms means little in the face truth & commitment
We are meant to be one clean sweep
mightier than swords of everlasting glory
We are meant to be legendary
for love’s first purpose
To show everything that God is Real.

Will you marry me?

What are you looking for?