


I have a big appetite:

For dining on the finest Prociutto Di Palma

Sliced thin, like a communion wafer,

Melting to the embrace of my tongue; for pesto sauce

On fusilli, the ecstatic scent of fresh basil,

Lightly fried slim veal cutlets,

Followed by lemon gelato and a double espresso

Infused with black Sambuca.


For the company of close friends

Where we laugh, we cry –

Without pretending – free

To let our bond bloom unexplained.


For family gatherings, the security of DNA,

Calling us to an ancient square in Italy

With pavement stones worn

And shifted, closely fitted;

The mystery of the past with

Shadows of former generations

Savoring the same food.


I have a big appetite

For travelling, with my wife to the wonders-

The Parthenon, the Coliseum and

The Amalfi Coast, villages perched on

Rocky outcrops facing the sea,

The Palace of Versailles,

And La Sagrada Familia, a basilica of light.


For praying

In marvelous churches and shrines,

Bearing my fears to the Lord and Our Lady,

Lighting candles all over Europe for family and friends,

Supporting the voices of the helpless and unheard, 

And discovering the Lord’s voice within my own.





What are you looking for?