As the winter season approaches, and darkness begins to envelop the top of the world, I’m wondering how many more chances we’ll get to see the amazing creatures of the Far North.


Narwhals and seals are friends.
Narwhals and seals are friends.


Mammals just helpin' each other out in their neighborhood.
Mammals just helpin’ each other out in their neighborhood.


The bowhead whale is the longest-living mammal on earth. Did you know that people have found 200 year old ivory spear tips in their skin? Since they're such big mammals (nearly 50 feet long), I'd imagine that their pee must be a nice warm reprieve for other animals swimming around in the arctic ocean.
The bowhead whale is the longest-living mammal on earth. Did you know that people have found 200 year old ivory spear tips in their skin? Since they’re such big mammals (nearly 50 feet long), I’d imagine that their pee must be a nice warm reprieve for other animals swimming around in the arctic ocean.


Underdone Comics: Narwhal Toothpick
As the polar ice melts, killer whales are making their way further north and eating animals that aren’t normally on their menu, like the narwhal.


 Of course many animals make a break for the sun. These arctic terns hold the record for the longest migration in the animal kingdom. They go from pole to pole.
Of course many animals make a break for the sun. These arctic terns hold the record for the longest migration in the animal kingdom. They go from pole to pole.


Stay warm!

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