The case of the five-legs beast
That is not the title of a short story by Bashevis Singer, the well-known Yiddish writer and Nobel prize winner. It is simply an echo of a striking ability that author has of being, at the same time, a keen observer of the reality around him while imagining what that reality contains of surrealism, be it hidden forces, out of proportion characters and unhinged ones.
The feature image, reprised above, figures the result of a manipulated streak of olive oil on a Teflon-lined pan then heated … and photographed at the moment the beast appeared just before it was to be completely dismembered.
A summering sepia photograph following the trying experience of twenty-four hours in ER.
Credit photograph to Maurice Amiel
Inspiration: Passions by Isaac Bashevis Singer (Farrar-Strauss-Giroux, N.Y. 1973)