Why Rescue Cultural Weekly … Why Now?

Maurice Amiel is a longstanding Cultural Weekly contributor.
if you can glean in Cultural Weekly an idea, a metaphor, an image or a fact that provides you with an aha moment, or that would simply enrich the coffee table of your mind,
if you feel a kinship of spirit with Cultural Weekly,
if you feel a sinking feeling at the thought of seeing it disappear from your reading horizon,
if you think you have something to do to save that spirit of delight and enlightenment,
NOW is the time for all good persons to support Cultural Weekly with a proverbial equivalent to a bar of chocolate plus pack of gum plus cappuccino caprice, of FIVE or TEN “e pluribus unum” dollars monthly donation … or more, naturally!
the Cultural Weekly editing and publishing team, and its family of benevolent contributors, would be simply grateful and say THANK YOU, MERCI, GRACIAS, TODA RABA, SHOKRAN, EVKHARISTO, TUSAND TAK, GRAZIE, OBRIGADO …


[alert type=alert-white ]Please consider making a tax-deductible donation now so we can keep publishing strong creative voices.[/alert]

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