Selected by Bunkong Tuon, Poetry Editor

Reuben Jackson: Three Poems

7th Grade

My fear-stained

Catches its breath

On a path

A crosstown
posse of maples

Who have no

In taking the bus fare
ln my back pocket

I swear I heard
the August breeze whisper

Are you sure
you want to
go back home?


Autumn 1975

I asked a certain maple
For its phone number

Not for me
I insisted

For my bedroom

So when
The October wind
Comes to visit

The sound of
Soon to be
Vanished leaves

Against the glass
Like inspiration

(Or a lover’s head
Meeting the bedboard)

Will conspire
To briefly evict

The posse
Of sorrows
From my

Like a bartender
A 90 proof
For Free


Sunday Afternoon
East Glover, Vermont

Two lane roads
Twist like an awkward boy
At a house party

Chamber Of Commerce
Autumnal breezes say
“It’s ok to be
an October smitten brother
in a corny plaid jacket
which screams

“I too fell in love
With technicolor fairy tales
About this place”

I am a concrete weary man
En route to a tryst with trees
And silence

I wave to blushing hills-
check the rear-view mirror
for police
suffering from a draught
of quotas

But now
It is as calm as a day in which
my blackness is unsettling
to some people

God is watching football
On a flat screen

I share my wishes
With the sky


cover of Scattered Clouds by Reuben Jackson
Scattered Clouds by Reuben Jackson

Purchase Scattered Clouds by Reuben Jackson

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