SMRT presents: an online free festival of plays and storytelling.
Santa Monica, CA – Santa Monica Repertory Theater (SMRT) explores human connection ‘before and after’ the pandemic with their 3rd annual playreading festival #anothernormal: plays written and directed by women.
“This year we are featuring three short plays in conversation with the way we treat other” explains Artistic Director, Tanya White. “The past 18 months challenged us on the daily to really look at what we believe, and who we are, both as individuals and as a society. Are we going to hell-in-a-handbasket, on the verge of massive positive cultural shift, or simply riding out the inevitable cycles of social evolution? Those are the conservations we hope to have with this year’s festival, #anothernormal.”
SMRT first produced the annual play reading festival in 2019 to highlight women writers and directors, with the 1st Annual Playreading festival, #hysteria. Pivoting to an online format in 2020 with the 2nd Annual festival #bravenewworld, SMRT stayed engaged with audiences during quarantine. This year’s festival promises to bring what the ensemble learned using an online platform in 2020 including heightened production values and a donation-based ticketing model with a suggested donation of $25. RSVP through EventBrite
SMRT recognizes the end of quarantine, so festival programming is from 11am – 3pm. People who want to experience one play or all of them, still have plenty of daylight left to enjoy socializing outside. The festival will conclude on Sunday, June 27th with the next installment of SHINEOnline: True Stories of Santa Monica, a storytelling showcase made possible by an Art of Recovery grant through the City of Santa Monica.
Since its founding in 2010, Santa Monica Repertory Theater is committed to being a resource to the community, for both professionally produced theater and engaging audiences, with a post-show discussion following every performance. These conversations give the audience and artists a chance to explore their shared experience of the performance and the play’s themes. Playreadings, storytelling and great discussion make this online festival a very special event for ages 14 and up!
WHAT: 3rd Annual Playreading Festival #anothernormal: plays written and directed by women
Two days of playreadings, storytelling and lively discussion all brought directly to the audience.
WHEN: Saturday, June 26th and Sunday, June 27th 11am- 3pm.
WHERE: ONLINE, suggested donation $25. RSVP through EventBrite
This content is provided by Santa Monica Repertory Theatre