The Secret City, back in LA!

The Secret City, the joyous art-ritual-commununal-theatrical-singing-dancing-event, returns to Los Angeles on Sunday, December 3 at the Bootleg Theater. In fitting concert with post-Thanksgiving opportunities, the theme will be Leftovers. Be there by 11:45 am to get a good seat. Information here:

While in town, Chris Wells, The Secret City’s prime storyteller, will tell a special story at a benefit on Saturday, December 9, in the DTLA Arts District. The benefit will also include a walking tour of street art and murals, led by Adam Leipzig, and an exclusive puppet performance by Paul Zaloom… not to mention food and drinks in a historic loft. Tickets are here:

Great art, and great artists need continuing support to sustain and increase their creativity. That’s why The Secret City has launched a Patreon campaign, which will allow you to make a regular donation to support their work. You need The secret City more than another pair of Christmas socks, don’t you? Support here:

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