Over the years, poet-educator-historian Mike Sonksen has been an incredible inspiration and resource for Cultural Daily. He has partnered with us in publishing and showcasing new writers, most of them students. 

Sometimes these writers are on the other end of their careers. 

Mike sent us poems by Ed Wilcox, a (at the time) 94-year-old poet, in 2021. It is even more rare to see new work from our elder writers, unless they have awards and clout to their names, than that of young students, who themselves are also often left outside of publishing. 

Ed, who was the very first editor of Statement Magazine at Cal State University of Los Angeles in 1050, was a revelation to us. His poems are powerful.

You can read them here—Ed Wilcox: Two Poems

Only a year later, Kate Maruyama, author of Bleak Houses and educator, sent us work by one of her students at CSULA, Nathan Corral. Nathan was also current staff at…Statement Magazine. 

You can read Nathan’s very first published piece here—“Dimitri Chamblas and the Power of Dance”

For Cultural Daily, such collaborative and generous efforts from Mike and Kate sums up all that we have strived to be from the beginning. 

When Adam Leipzig first started the publication as a blog called Cultural Weekly, his goal was to create a space where writers and artists and other culture makers could come together to share and connect with each other and make the present and the future a more enriching one. 

Over a decade later, seeing how Ed Wilcox and Nathan Corral, two generations of staff of Statement Magazine more than 7 decades apart, could be connected this way on our publication, with caring and nurturing from Mike, a poet and former CSULA student, and Kate, a horror writer and current CSULA professor (yeah, it’s a lot of connections), we believe that Adam’s dream for Cultural Daily has become a reality. 


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