TimeWave is an international festival that fuses art and technology. Support TimeWave now in their fund-raising efforts.
TimeWave’s organizers share these thoughts:
“The two axial principles of our age – tribalism and globalism – clash at every point except one: they may both be threatening to democracy.” – Benjamin R. Barber, Whitman Professor of Political Science, Rutgers University.
Our world today…
Caught between two opposing forces. The growing tribalization of swaths of people. A global market that requires integration and sameness. And everything has to be fast. Lightning fast.
Terror. Riots. Rage.
How do we rise above it all? How do we heal the rifts?
The artists have decided to get together with a different clarion call…and we’re going to use technology to do it.
TimeWave is a cutting-edge international festival that fuses art and technology – the theme of inaugural year 2012 is “Transformation.”
We’re asking writers and multimedia creators to reflect on change. What in our world needs to be changed? It could be small – a personal cathartic moment – a grain of sand that is a window into the cosmos. It could be a phantasmagorical journey that tracks the destruction of climate change. But, above all, we’re looking for an artistic response to our world today.
Our Vision: to unleash the creative potential of a multicultural collective.

TimeWave Manchester Indiegogo from LoNyLa on Vimeo.

What are you looking for?