The concept of team building may lead to some skepticism, yet many organizations engage in teamwork activities and initiatives because when they succeed, they truly make a difference.

Enhancing the connections among your team members boosts collaboration, alleviates workplace tension, and greatly enriches the employee experience.

Along with enhanced engagement, these impacts also contribute to more effective teams. This report reveals that workforces that are fully engaged can increase a company’s revenue twofold.

A great way to implement these techniques in the workplace is by using team building activities.

In this guide, you’ll discover an extensive array of activities for successful team building, whether they be indoors, outdoors, or virtual, that can assist you in developing stronger teams. Let’s get started!

Outdoor team building activities

Scavenger hunt

You can set up the scavenger hunt inside, but it’s generally more enjoyable outside. The more intricate the hunt becomes, the more thrilling and engaging it will be for the team.

Nonetheless, this also implies it is typically a high-cost endeavor that necessitates extensive planning. An effective City Hunt needs hints, tasks, a group of planners, and objects/items to find.

What makes scavenger hunts effective is that they evaluate several important traits among team members, such as problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and critical thinking, while also being incredibly enjoyable.

As most scavenger hunts are conducted in teams, it serves as an excellent opportunity for dialogue and teamwork with fellow participants.

Team dinner/lunch

There are numerous methods to encourage the team to bond through food. The typical approach is for the company to organize a dinner at a suitable venue or restaurant for the team.

An alternative version of team dinners could be a dish party. In this version, team members meet in the company’s break room, each bringing homemade treats to share with everyone.

Each method for team dinners offers distinct benefits, consistently generating numerous conversation starters and subjects.

Therefore, treating the team to a meal, whether lunch or dinner, is an experience every leader should partake in occasionally, particularly in organizations that depend significantly on collaboration and employee interactions.

Indoor team building exercises for the workplace

Paper chain

Paper chains can be played in various locations, but it’s particularly suited for an office setting since you’ll require many paper sheets, scissors, tape, and other office materials for the activity.

To participate, you must divide the players into two equal groups and let them choose a team captain.

The objective of the game is to build the longest paper chain using the given materials within a time limit. Nevertheless, certain twists increase the game’s difficulty, including:

  • Participants have just 2 to 3 minutes to create the longest chain.
  • Players cannot speak once the game begins.
  • Players are allowed to use just one hand during gameplay.

This means that participants must also divide their 60 seconds between detailing the game to the leader (who needs to exit the room while the game is described) and devising a strategy to create the chain. This is a moment for critical thinking and problem-solving abilities to excel.

The game depends significantly on teamwork and interaction among colleagues, which are essential for fostering solid relationships in the workplace. A study from 2007 by George Generalis and John Mylonakis, titled “Productivity and Ergonomics: A Strong Relationship Leading to Best Working Results,” indicates that fostering social relationships among employees can significantly enhance overall team productivity.

The reason this is among the top team-building activities for large groups is that it becomes significantly more challenging with a greater number of participants.

Virtual team building activities

Show and tell

Show-and-tell sessions are an excellent method to discover more about each team member and their lives beyond work. Members can discuss topics ranging from their hobbies and interests to personal successes, serving as an excellent method to strengthen relationships and enhance overall team spirit.

Coordinating these activities is quite simple due to its flexibility. The show-and-tell event might be a 30-minute weekly session where one or more team members share and discuss their achievements or projects they have been working on alongside their regular tasks.

Discussing personal success stories enhances the connections among team members and fosters a greater sense of unity and shared purpose.

Moreover, expressing your ideas to colleagues enhances your confidence and positively impacts the well-being of team members.

Virtual break rooms

A major issue that remote employees face in their work is feelings of isolation and a lack of engagement. This is primarily due to remote teams not having the opportunity to discuss topics beyond professional ones with other employees.

A great method to address this challenge is by establishing a “virtual break room” to motivate employees to socialize and deepen their connections.

You can set up a virtual break room by making a distinct communication room or channel on your chosen messaging service. Encourage other members to join this channel and arrange events or challenges every few days.

Team members are encouraged to post intriguing content and personal experiences in this space, which can lead to engaging and meaningful discussions.

Icebreaker team building activities

Two truths and one lie

As indicated by the game’s title, every team member is required to share three facts about themselves. Nonetheless, one of these statements is truly false.

The key aspect is that this incorrect claim must be credible, engaging, and aligned in tone with the two accurate ones.

Every participant subsequently attempts to identify which of these statements is untrue, and the individual with the highest number of correct guesses emerges victorious.

Although it’s called that, some prefer to augment the number of statements to enhance the activity’s challenge and appeal. Many team leaders and coaches implement this enjoyable and fast-paced activity to allow the team to get to know its members better, which really reinforces the team building process.

Along with fostering deeper connections, Two Truths and a Lie enables employees to practice their communication and public speaking abilities beyond the workplace.

This applies not just to face-to-face face-teams but also to remote teams, since this game is appropriate for virtual teams too.


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