First Date
the taste of blood
burning the blade
on her tongue
she looked down on him
the glint in her eye
pulled up the
corners of her mouth
as if this were love
his eyes stared up
at her unblinking
she turned, leaving
the blade point down
in the asphalt
and under him a
darkness grew
drifting a river
down the white line
Second Date
she sat on
the bar stool
nodded to
the bartender
the beer mug
slid to her
open palm
a red line
drifted down
the wet glass
she sucked
her palm
a slight smile
crossed her lips
as she tasted
the sweet blood
she scanned
the bar, her eyes
fell on him —
a wolf on the prowl
as he closed the
door to his Ferrari
she slid her finger
down the blade
strapped to her leg
now exposed in
the slit of her
slinky black dress
shivering in
pleasure from
the pain
Blood Sister
hanging from
the rafters
he had just
stopped fighting
the hemp is strapped
around his chest
his eyes follow
her as she
circles him
twisting his
hips he then
spins back
his hands raised
tied high on the rope
clasped in prayer
she holds the blade
to his torso
as he spins
scoring a groove
with the razor
sharp point
he groans
lets out a
quiet cry
painting a
swirling circle
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