You love everything about your metal shed, except its appearance. Your shed looks just like the name implies a small metal building. If improving the appearance of your metal shed is at the top of your to-do list, you’re in luck.
Sprucing up a metal shed can be surprisingly easy and it also doesn’t have to cost a fortune. You may even be able to use some stuff sitting in your garage to help make your metal shed stand out for the right reasons. Ready to tackle the appearance of your metal shed? Here are some tips to give you some inspiration.
Don’t Underestimate the Power of Paint
The easiest, fastest, and often most economical way to transform a metal shed is with a fresh coat of paint. If your metal shed is newly installed, you may not need to spend time prepping the metal.
Do you have some leftover cans from the last time you repainted your house? If so, you may not even need to head out to the paint store. Before you start slapping paint on the shed, look at the type. You want to use exterior (outdoor-rated) paint. Interior paint simply can’t handle outdoor weather conditions. Everything from sunlight to wind and rain can cause interior paint to fade, peel, and chip.
If you don’t have leftover paint or want something that doesn’t match the exterior color of your house, no problem. You have an almost unlimited number of colors and shades to choose from. Your shed’s color can compliment your home or contrast beautifully.
A few tips if your metal shed has been around for a while. You’re probably going to need to sand away any accumulated rust and debris. Don’t worry, this isn’t too difficult or time-consuming. You should still finish the project in an afternoon.
Build a Window Box or Planter for Your Metal Shed
What about adding a window box or planter to your shed? Some sheds are designed with windows and this is the perfect place to install a planter. Even if you’re not painting the metal exterior, a planter can add a pop of color and a ton of charm. This is also a great way to boost curb appeal.
Building a planter isn’t too complicated. All you need are some pieces of wood, potting soil, and a few colorful plants. You can also go with greenery if flowers aren’t your thing. The goal is to add some color and texture to the metal shed. If you don’t have any strips of wood or planks lying around, you can find inexpensive planters at almost any garden and home improvement store.
Before you set your heart on specific types of plants, consider the location of the window box. Is it getting full sun or mostly shade? This will affect the types of plants that grow best in your window box. If you’re not sure what to plant, nursery staff can make some recommendations.
You can also wander around the neighborhood and see what others are growing in their yards. This should give you some ideas of what grows best in your area.
Make a Trellis
Trellises are a great way to spruce up the appearance of just about any type of structure, including metal sheds. You can grab your credit or debit card and head to the garden store. They usually have trellises in stock.
You can also turn it into a DIY project. Creating a trellis is fairly simple. Chances are you also have something in your yard or garage to use to make a trellis. You can use anything from tree branches and chicken wire to steel bars, bamboo, and even old bicycle frames. Don’t worry too much about the trellis’s appearance. In a few months, the structure should be covered with greenery.
Where should you install the trellis? This is entirely up to you. However, since you’re trying to improve the shed’s appearance you probably want to place the trellis somewhere visible. In other words, don’t hide the trellis behind the metal shed.
Add Lighting
Before you start panicking about the costs associated with connecting your metal shed to your electrical supply, take a deep breath. You can add exterior lighting without calling in a licensed electrician. You don’t even need electricity in the shed.
You can find inexpensive LED string lights that run off solar or battery power. These lights are available in a range of colors so you’re not limited to strictly clear bulbs.
What can you do with LED lights? Your options are almost endless. You can string the lights around the roof or decorate the walls. Depending on the type of lighting, you may be able to arrange the bulbs in nifty designs. Does your metal shed have a railing? Why not string lights around the railing or door posts?
Adding lighting can have additional benefits besides boosting curb appeal. The lights can improve safety and security.
Create a Pathway to the Metal Shed
Even if you’re only using the metal shed for storage it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the walk to the front door. Why not create a path to the shed? All you need is some gravel for the pathway. From there, you can install some landscaping like some bushes or perennials. There’s nothing wrong with planting annuals along the pathway but it does require a little extra work.
Annuals need replacing every year, unlike perennials that return in the spring. Remember the advantages of using lighting? You can extend it to the path. A few well-placed lamps can add ambiance while also increasing safety and security.
You Can Easily Improve the Appearance of Your Metal Shed
Improving your metal shed’s appearance isn’t difficult. All it takes is a little creativity. From adding a coat of paint to a window box and lights, even the smallest decorating change can make a huge difference.
If you’re still struggling with design ideas, talk to your metal shed supplier. Chances are, they have tons of ideas and one may be perfect for your shed.