Last week’s post was all about building relationships. This week’s is all about ending them.

At first, there was that initial attraction.

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UNDERDONE Walrus and Manatee
It gets lonely in the aquarium. Did you know the walrus is the second-largest pinniped (seal) behind the elephant seal? The manatee, however, isn’t a seal at all; it’s more closely related to an actual elephant!


Which became infatuation, despite all the known differences.

Most spider males truly appreciate sexual dimorphism. The females also appreciate it, along with the nice snack.

Then signs begin to show that things just aren’t going to work out.

UNDERDONE forbidden lice love
Lice can be so darn stubborn! Did you know that the DNA of pubic lice tells us that they originally came from gorilla lice a few million years ago? Makes you wonder what early hominids were up to, eh?

And so, finding the right way to end the relationship without blaming your partner is probably the best way to go. (Even if it’s their fault, and it always is.)

Sometimes a seaturtle just doesn’t do it for a remora the way a shark can.

What are you looking for?