Last year, we asked you to share your comments about what creativity you’re thankful for.

We’re keeping the Thanks going. We’ve kept everything you wrote last year, to inspire you this year.

What artist do you want to thank? What creative work has made a difference in your life?

I’ll start. I’m thankful for you, our readers. Since last year, your ranks have grown exponentially—there are now 10,000 of you. If you’re in Los Angeles, please come to our Cultural Weekly Gathering on December 6 (details here). It will be incredible to meet each other.

We wouldn’t be here without our writers. Thank you, brave committed writers and poets, who raise your articulate voices. You further our mission, which is to draw attention to our cultural environment, illuminate it, and make it better through rich conversations.

A special thank you to filmmaker Nicholas Jarecki. Nick wrote and directed Arbitrage, which is a stunning debut film; it features a career-capping performance by Richard Gere. Nick just penned a generous Foreword for my new book, Inside Track for Independent Filmmakers, which will be out in January. I’m honored, Nick.

I’m also honored to live with an artist, Lori Zimmerman. Her work illustrates this article. Living with an artist reminds me of passion and commitment every day. As Lori works, there is no daylight between her hand and her truth.

Gentle readers, now it’s your turn. What artist do you want to thank? What creative work has made a difference in your life?

Please share and acknowledge the creative people who matter to you—then share and re-post this article. Let’s see how many thanks we can give.

Happy Thanksgiving!

What are you looking for?