What is it about diamond painting that makes it such a popular and expanding hobby right now? Hobbies have come and gone over the years due to changing trends and the changing whims of the populous. For a while in the ‘90s, beaded art and card collecting were big hobbies, bringing in millions of dollars a year. Now, they have been replaced with new trends.
Diamond painting combines the simplicity of paint by numbers with the glittery prettiness of jewelry making to create something imaginative and attractive. It is not just the artistic appeal of bringing a nearly blank canvas to life that has diamond painting sales skyrocketing on Amazon and other online retail marketplaces.
People are drawn to the methodical process of applying diamonds to the canvas and the simplistic motions they go through. It is calming and soothing, perfect for the very stressful environment that most people are living in these days.
Everything changed for people all over the world at the beginning of 2020, and for some places, changes had already started to take place before that. The change has never gone away, and from that change came a renewed interest in hobbies that were safe to do at home. With it also came a desire to relax and reduce stress, and diamond painting offers an outlet for that while simultaneously stimulating the creative aspects of the mind.
Renewed interest in stay-at-home activities right now has caused a community to grow out of the hobby. Now, there are a wealth of diamond painting tutorials on YouTube, so those who are not familiar with the techniques or the hobby can quickly and effectively learn. Whenever a community develops out of a hobby like this, the hobby gains legs and momentum, so to speak, growing a following that sticks with it and propels it forward for a long time.
The diamond painting community is definitely growing and is very dedicated to constantly posting new content. In this digital age of social media, a movement like this can grow rapidly and spread from one part of the world to another with ease. The community is expanding across YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and more websites that offer Hugh variety of diamond art kits for sale, as people show off their completed arts and share techniques with one another for how to “paint” faster.
What else makes this hobby a timely one is easy to get started online and then keep up with the hobby from the safety of home through the online space. There are numerous online shops offering customized diamond art kits and a variety of canvas selections. The library of possible paintings is growing rapidly, with an ever expanding selection that ensures hobby enthusiast never run out options. More and more online shops are popping up all over the place, catering to an audience that eager to have something to do at home and not venture out from their home more than is necessary.
Diamond painting can keep them occupied for hours at a time, giving them something calming to do that takes their mind off of their troubles and the state of the world around them. Getting caught up in that online community helps as well, as people look for ways to deal with the changing state of their local area and the larger global community. Even as things change rapidly around them, people can find solace, a place of comfort and some stability in a hobby like this. Diamond art gives them a safe harbor, so to speak, providing a calm from the storm that they can count on to be consistent and to give them something to occupy themselves even as they hope for things to blow over.
So many medical experts are advising people who are worried and in a state of fear about the world and their own lives to detach from the news and to find a hobby that will excite and stimulate them. So, people are discovering diamond art painting for the first time or reuniting with their love of art through this hobby. It caters to young and old as well as the art experts and the inexperienced. By pulling in art from pop culture as well as classical influences, diamond art as a hobby can appeal to a wide range of people, and its simplistic process is suitable for people who do not want to learn a difficult new skill.
On a number of levels, this hobby appeals to people who are in a similar situation as one another. They have little to do at home, they need a way to stimulate their brain, they are crying out for a creative outlet, and they are wanting to stay safe and find stress relief. At the same time, they want to be able to reach out and join a larger community, uniting over a common passion. In all these ways, diamond art holds an appeal for them, giving them a hobby for these modern times.
Photo by Andrey Deryabin on Pixabay