Street crime, also known as “ordinary crime,” refers to criminal activities in public places, such as robbery, assault, and drug-related crimes. Despite a decades-long trend of declining crime rates in the United States, recent years have seen a concerning rise in street crime in many parts of the country. This has caused widespread concern among citizens and policymakers alike and increased pressure on law enforcement agencies to address the problem.

The reasons for this increase in street crime are multifaceted and complex, ranging from economic inequality and lack of opportunity to drug addiction and gang activity. Other reasons include the lack of reporting, the recent COVID pandemic, and its peculiar characteristics concerning criminal activities. Whatever the factors, research has shown an alarming conclusion, i.e., the rise of street crimes in the U.S. is evident. The wider community must take measures to curb this trend for the betterment of society.

Many in the field of law suggest a balance to be struck between punishments and corrective measures to curb the rising number of street crimes. Aaron Black from Phoenix also opines that despite the diverse factors contributing to high street crime, there should be a greater role played by the community to improve this concerning trend.

1.     Economic Inequality:

Economic inequality is a major factor in the rise of street crime. When people feel that they cannot achieve economic success through legal means, they may turn to illegal activities to make money. The disparity between the haves and the have-nots is a major factor that pushes economically distressed people to resort to crime. The disadvantaged leave legal means of earning to choose a seemingly easier way of life, i.e., committing crimes.

2.     Lack of Opportunity:

Lack of opportunity can also contribute to street crime. This can include limited job prospects, education, and training, leaving individuals with few options other than crime. Unemployment is a serious problem prevalent in many countries, and there’s a direct correlation between unemployment and street crimes. The mere state of being unemployed leads to many individuals being stressed and thus committing crimes they normally wouldn’t have considered.

3.     Drug Addiction:

Drug addiction is another factor that can lead to street crime. Addicts may resort to theft or other crimes to support their drug habits. The dependency on drugs for addicts becomes a real threat to their sanity and financial status. The users need more money to buy the drugs they require to satiate their addiction and ultimately resort to a life of crime to meet these financial demands.

4.     Gang Activity:

Gang activity is a significant contributor to street crime. Gangs often engage in violence and drug-related crimes, and their activities can spill over into communities, leading to increased crime rates. Gang-related street crimes are more difficult to curb as they are part of a larger problem of gang-related violence. However, many agencies in the U.S. are fighting the good fight against drugs and the gangs perpetuating these crimes to peddle drugs in the community.

5.     Police-Community Relations:

Police-community relations can also impact street crime rates. When there is a lack of trust between law enforcement and community members, individuals may be less likely to report crimes or cooperate with investigations. Recent events in the institute’s history have posed serious questions about its handling of the situation, which have alienated the general public from the institute. It means there is a significant lack of reporting of crimes for fear of retribution or not being taken seriously.

6.     COVID-19:

The pandemic has also played a role in the rise of street crime. The pandemic has wreaked economic havoc on many individuals, leading some to turn to crime to make ends meet. Additionally, pandemic-related restrictions have made it more difficult for law enforcement to respond to and prevent crime. Also, living in isolation, communities cannot support each other in these trying times. Isolation can lead to many mental problems in individuals, ultimately leading to street crimes.

In conclusion, the rise of street crime in the United States is a complex issue requiring a multi-faceted approach. While law enforcement efforts are important, it is equally crucial to address the underlying social and economic factors contributing to crime. This could include initiatives aimed at providing more opportunities and resources for at-risk communities and efforts to improve police-community relations and provide more effective support to drug addicts and those struggling with mental health issues. Ultimately, communities can address the root causes of street crimes through their combined efforts to create safer and more secure communities for all.

Photo by Roman Koester on Unsplash

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